Thursday, February 24, 2011

White Stuff On Clitorus


The Wladimir Peter Köppen Prize for Climate and Earth System
Innovative, clear and relevant for climate research: the climate-campus records for the third time outstanding doctoral dissertations in the Climate and Earth System with the "Wladimir Peter Köppen-price '. Until 31 March 2011, outstanding dissertations with a clear reference to climate research be submitted. The prize is endowed with 5.000 €. A panel of renowned scientists will select the best authors, the decision is the governing body of scientific excellence cluster CliSAP (Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction).

The prize is awarded annually to talented young researchers who hold doctorates in German-speaking countries being granted. At the time of application should include the promotion of no more than two years, candidates not on completion and be over 30 years. Supervisors, professors or group leaders make appropriate works to be submitted together with a letter of the campus climate.

named Wladimir Peter Köppen conducted research on marine meteorology and paleoclimatology and played a crucial role in the development of the German Seewetterdienste. In over 500 publications, he dealt mainly with the climatic conditions of the oceans and continents. A major work he wrote in 1924 together with his son Alfred Wegener: "The climates of the geological past. His work "Geographical System of climates" of 1936 provided the first objective classification of soil and climate is still considered groundbreaking.

more information on price:


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