freezing winter over northern Europe? Floods and heat waves in the southern hemisphere? Are we seeing the effects of climate change or a completely natural weather phenomena? The planet Earth traces the history of natural climate changes in archives (tree rings, ice cores, lake sediments, deep-sea sediments) and has shown us that the climate has changed dramatically and the world has always been fast.
are affected? Now it isincreasingly influenced by humanity, such as by releasing large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere or by the use the land surface (agriculture, urban development, roads) global change brings about. But change is really happening in such an accelerated pace, as the IPCC in its 4th IPCC report has described? And what are the consequences of climate change, especially for developing countries - for example in Africa, South Asia and Oceania - which are most affected?
Possible climate changes in the future for all of us and increasingly employ the highest political decision-makers, and to take the difficult decisions must be important for our economy. The climate debate
employed on the international conferences in Copenhagen (December 2009), Bonn (June 2010) and Cancun (December 2010) and the general public. For some nations because of the climate change occurring disasters can be predicted, others expect from benefits. How do we go from here? These international experts will do in the series> Future issues of the society take \u0026lt;position: Prof. Dr. Guy Brasseur
(Director of the Climate Service Center of the Ministry of Education and Research, Helmholtz Centre Geesthacht GVW), Dr. Victor Brovkin (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Climate Research Group interaction biogeosphere, Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Peter Lemke (Head of the Department of Environmental Sciences at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Coordinating Author IPCC 2007) and Prof. Dr. Jörn Thiede (Geocenter Danmark, Copenhagen, member of the Academy).
via Information Wissenschaft
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