Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Brazilian Waxing In Jacksonville

geoscientists drilling in North Sea peninsula Eiderstedt.

start of the 300-m-deep research hole Gardi receiver trough pdf Climate Study of the Pleistocene. From Monday the

21/02/2011 eats the drill bit into the ground of "world", it means village in Garding, which was chosen after extensive preliminary geophysical and geological as well site. Here is high-quality samples are obtained, from which the climate and flooding history of the north can be read.
The lead in the research drilling Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics (LIAG) in Hanover has asked the North German drilling company Ivers wells GmbH, the research drilling as flushing hole in Rammkern low forward-and cable core processes and thus promote the sought-after by scientists drill core material to light. Furthermore, should the well comprehensive Well logs allow. The preparatory work on the well site will start on 02/15/2011. Over thirty Bohrtage are scheduled so that the work completed in April and the hole can be filled.

A geoscientist-team from the Universities of Mainz and Lüneburg, Department of Geology and soil in the State Office for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas (LLUR), Flint, and the Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics had come together and committed to the research drilling Garding to to examine research questions on the geology, climate and flood history of northern Europe.

A first information meeting was held on 8/31/2010 held in Garding. While the hole will be issued press releases. Also, a press event on site is for 15/03/2011 at 14 clock set at the well site to answer at the scientists questions. More information can be found in the appendix or LIAG News in the category: Anvils - holes.

Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics (LIAG), Hannover
Prof. Dr. Manfred Frechen, Tel: 0511 / 643-2537 or -2302
- Project Management - Email: manfred.frechen @ LIAG-hannover.de

State Office for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas (LLUR), Flint
Sabine Rosenbaum, Tel: 04 347 / 704-500
Department management geology and soil; Email: sabine.rosenbaum @ llur.landsh.de

Other participating institutions are:
University of Lüneburg, Institute of Ecology
Prof. Dr. Brigitte Urban;

Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Department of Geosciences, Prof. Dr. Frank

via Information Wissenschaft


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