Friday, February 25, 2011

Brazilian Waxing In Jacksonville Fl

Causa Guttenberg - go open letter to the chancellor of graduate students

Many have been reported with more or less qualified contributions to the Causa Gutenberg to the word . Among other things, the Philosophical Faculty Association (PHFT) , who cares about the dwindling reputation of German science location. I had already complained in a blog storm in Scilogs the Advancement of Science hostility, which enters through the constant belittling of here. Now, even doctoral students reported having an open letter to the Chancellor to speak, and what I still give it to you. I can understand very well arrive as discouraging such operations there. I want to sign every word.
Dear Chancellor,

as graduate students will follow the current debate about the plagiarism allegations against the Federal Minister for Defence, Mr Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, with great shock and even greater lack of understanding. We have the impression that you are using all their power to hold a minister who, despite massive evidence to the contrary still gets the statement maintained that he had in his thesis not deliberately misled.

damage with this procedure, the Federal Government and the deputies of the coalition not only themselves, but much more.

Zu Guttenberg had already been in the last week to take apart several times previously protested his statements regarding his dissertation. The Internet community has succeeded in an unprecedented way to demonstrate a variety of unique plagiarism in the dissertation of Mr. Guttenberg. This evidence can be viewed by anyone and verifiable. It is hardly surprising that plagiarism experts agree that one can no longer speak of some "embarrassing mistakes." It is massive, systematic Deception. and this obviously with great ambition - - Zu Guttenberg large parts of his dissertation and copied it and covered up sources, designed to obtain a doctorate, which he then promoted, not least at election posters. The University of Bayreuth was not able to dispel this charge. Given the size and number of plagiarism you know as well as we can at the end of that scrutiny by the University are only a result in terms of deception intention of the Minister. You can not do this "unconscious". designate

to this deception as such, it has nothing to do with the Minister of belonging to a particular party to do. Even the politicians of the opposition we would demand the resignation as a minister, they had given their word of honor, have created their own academic performance, and only with the aid of the specified resource, and then failed in spite of massive way against it.

zu Guttenberg on 23 February 2011 in the current session of the German Bundestag noted that he would be judged as defense minister only after his work. He has played it on a formulation by you that you would not employ him as a "research assistant".

This is a mockery of all scientific Auxiliary staff and all graduate students who seek an honest way to do their part to scientific progress. You shall also suggest that if it were the fraudulent acquisition of a Ph.D. for a minor offense and that the "academic honor" is irrelevant in real life.

In compliance with the rules of good scientific practice, it is not "footnotes", not for trinkets, which are negligible in the face of larger political problems. It's about the basics of our work and trustworthiness. We therefore strive in our own work to the best knowledge and belief, this high Comply with requirements at any time. If we do not, we run the (rightly) risk of being expelled from the university.

The majority of us also teach younger students. Often it is our job to teach them the basics of scientific work. We keep the students here at this from the beginning to respect very careful to quote correctly and every resource to make marked as such. We do this not because we "footnote fanatics", or sit in the "ivory tower" and not know what counts in real life. It's simply about us, the understanding to share, so that scientific and social Progress is possible only if one can rely on the honesty in the scientific community. Offend our students of this Code, we are required to assess their examination performance as inadequate. If repeated violation threatens usually be de-registered. After such a decision is the likelihood that the parties concerned deal in many professions denied - even in occupations where the personal integrity may be less important than in the office of Federal Minister for Defence.

Maybe we are old fashioned and outdated represented conservative values, if we entertain the view that values honesty and responsibility should be, which should also apply outside of science. Mr. Guttenberg seemed, until recently, that opinion to be.

research makes an important contribution to social development. Honest and innovative science is a foundation of prosperity in our country. If the protection of ideas in our society no more important value, then we lose our future. We expect no gratitude for our scientific work, but at least the respect that our work seriously. The treatment of the Causa Guttenberg as a minor offense suffering of science in Germany and the credibility of Germany as the "Land of Ideas".

may but keep our contribution to society as simply negligible. Then we would ask you but to speak anymore in the future of the called by you "Education Republic of Germany."


The undersigned and signatory

Tobias Bunde, University of Konstanz
Tim Wihl, Humboldt University, Berlin
John Staemmler, Hertie School of Governance / Free University of Berlin
Frederik Trettin, University of Konstanz
Mark T. Fliegauf, University of Cambridge
Schelker Simone, University of Konstanz
Felix Groba, German Institute for Economic Research and Humboldt University in Berlin
Bernhard Blumenau, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva
Wilhelm Mirow, ETH Zurich
Martin Humburg, University of Maastricht
Janina Dill, University of Oxford
Stefan G. Mend, Rutgers University, USA
Linus Strothmann, Free University of Berlin
Michael Schlichenmaier, University of Konstanz
Johannes Wilm, Goldsmiths College, University of London
Nicolas Grieshaber, Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences, Humboldt University, Berlin
January Marcus, DIW Berlin, Technical University of Berlin
Sascha Patrick Messmer, University of Konstanz
Lutz Ohlendorf, Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg
Sabine von Thenen, University of Duisburg-Essen
Imke Pente, Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies
Anja Kathrin Hild, Free University of Berlin
Tonia Fondermann, University of Hannover
Patrick Mello, Humboldt University, Berlin
Rodrigo Isidor, University of Giessen
Sonja Bastin, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
David Bosold, Philipps-Universität Marburg
Dennis Priess, University of Osnabrück
Florian Molders, DIW Berlin
Holger Steinmetz, University of Giessen
Kathy Keil, Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies (BTS), Free University of Berlin
Florian B. Zapkau, Justus-Liebig University, Giessen
Eike Karin Ohlendorf, University of Leipzig
Gwendolyn Whittaker, University of Konstanz
Kai Denker, TU Darmstadt
Matthias Wählisch, Free University of Berlin
Sebastian Kay Belle, University of Konstanz
Gisela Fickenscher, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Thomas Zink, University of Konstanz
Catherine Gnath, Hertie School of Governance / Free University of Berlin
Florian Beier, Uni-Heidelberg
Catherine Peters, University of Koblenz-Landau
Susan Schmeier, Hertie School of Governance / Free University of Berlin
Andrea Bahr, Humboldt-University Berlin
Anne Becker, HU Berlin
Anne Koch, Hertie School of Governance / FU Berlin
Andrea Bahr, Humboldt University, Berlin
Joris Corin Heyder, Free University of Berlin
Sarah Faulkner, University of Athens, Greece
Dennis Nottebaum, Graduate School of Politics - University of Münster
Julie Bernauer, University of Konstanz
Matthias Wießner, University of Leipzig
Kathleen Schlütter, University of Leipzig
Nathan Hüsken, Uni-Heidelberg
Markus Lauer, University of the Saarland
Carson Hohmann, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich and Max- Planck-Institute for Tax and Public Finance
Maria Herold, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Daniel Issenmann, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Alexandros Tokhi, Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies (FU Berlin)
Martin Holt, Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg and Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics
Esther Ademmer, Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies / FU Berlin
Marcus Krueger, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
The list is continually updated, both on t-von-doctoral and on the corresponding Facebook page . There you can also register as a signatory.


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