Monday, December 14, 2009

Whole Sale Infant Hats

Oh miracle! The telecommunications companies sluts enormously in the protection of data retention!

retention: providers store illegally far more than allowed (

from a day of working group on data retention letter published of the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection to the Federal Constitutional Court, it is clear that telecommunications operators in the implementation of data retention without any legal basis significantly more data collect, store and as allowed ( letter from the Federal Privacy Commissioner, PDF ). [...]

Many vendors kept the sensitive information [...] far longer than the prescribed six months, sometimes up to a year. [...] Hits on the highly sensitive communications data would often not recorded and thus were not traceable. [...] The judicial access permits are "quite often" inadequate and not notified of the statutory offenses catalog. (Source: )

The usual sloppiness so stinking of data protection in Germany. Only that the data from the data retention unfortunately just very sensitive. Effective penalties for their illegal, criminal activity, the provider does not have to worry and not judge.

Data retention and its implementation and poor control of the telecommunications operators in its role as a new auxiliary sheriff and the ridiculous penalties for violations of data protection products are an attack on the rule of law. An attack, the SPD and the Union quite consciously have wanted. Why I'm also the SPD and the Union always very aware as a dangerous party name.


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