1) poll majority agrees to Sarrazin (Stern.de)
subordinate to the majority of Germans over the Turks, they were not willing to integration and not capable of integration.
Whether most Germans understand that there is a huge difference between "willing" and "capable" is? The former is (just) a suggestion that the latter but racism. Because racist is one who claims that certain behaviors or attitudes were immutable parts of an entire ethnic group.
alarming is the perception to the integration, the Neukölln SPD mayor Buschkowsky and which is reflected in the Stern.de article as well. Buschkowsky apparently understands integration as an adaptation to the social mainstream and sees it as a moral obligation of those who receive government assistance. Buschkowsky sees integration as a service that is on virtually the migrants and the Germans. And I always thought that integration would therefore required to get the same opportunities and migrants are able to move up in Germany. Buschkowsky integration seems to understand but Duckmäusertum and internalize the view that migrants should kindly be grateful to be allowed to live in Germany. May speak only idiots have never been abroad and Germany consider the best of all worlds.
2) No mega-criminals (Tagesspiegel.de)
Historian Michael Wolff's son criticizes Stephan Kramer, general secretary of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Sarrazin set in the near Hitler. Kramer commented that the same ideas Sarrazin of Hitler. Wolff's son, however, apparently thinks that one should only lead to the Hitler comparison match, when it comes to the murder of millions of people because otherwise Hitler's actions were downplayed. By this logic, one will (hopefully) in the next thousand years may no longer exhort, he resembled Hitler in his beliefs or actions. Very strange. I think criticism of Wolff's son Kramer again an over-reaction, because if someone so crystal clear racist "argument" as Sarrazin, can and must be allowed to point out where this racism can cause.
3) (Via Politblogger.net ) Bullshit! (Youtube.com, Alan Posener Sarrazin breitflächigem to racism against all immigrants and Jews in Germany)
Alan Posener is an independently thinking person. This can be said of too few people. Even thinking involves a risk that it sometimes is wrong. In the above linked episode of his video column for the world editor, however, correct: Sarrazin interview in the "Lettre International" was a great, stinking bullshit. And one more disgusting than this, are the many tens of thousands of comments on affirmative Sarrazin in the media and the public.
4) analysis Sarrazin: lying excitation (Frankfurter Rundschau)
Another good comment from Joachim Frank on the hypocrisy of those who think that Sarrazin had spoken of anything, and finally made an issue of what in Germany are not normally being said or mentioned or discussed.
must justify the provocateur has long ceased to own the all have taken the criticism defame as opinion dictates of political correctness and stylize Sarrazin to the fight for freedom.
This technique is at least as absurd as the supposed excitement rituals that are - bully the "good guy" upright contemporaries à la Sarrazin - so the allegation. [...]
The Möllemann, Giordano and Sarrazin refute but, what they claim: the existence of taboos and opinion cartels. (Source: FR-Online.de )
5) Thilo Sarrazin and Ralph Giordano and the biological threat and biological solution to the "Turkish problem" (Schieflage.Blogspot.com)
the sake of completeness.
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