Monday, September 28, 2009

Shadi Cards Metter In Hindi

deep packet inspection and more: China successful ever the censorship of the Internet

China's censorship arms race escalates (RConversation, Rebecca MacKinnon's Weblog)

As the 60th birthday of the People's Republic of China approaches, Internet users in China are complaining that the Internet has become even more difficult to use than ever before. Not only has the number of blocked websites increased, but the most popular censorship circumvention techniques and technologies have come under attack. (Quelle: )

Immer mehr Zensur-Umgehungs-Technologien verlieren China in its effect. Even gate can be used by only complicated tricks and help. The question is who will end up winning the race: Inventive programmers or policy (whether in China or elsewhere). I fear that the long-term plans of the censorship policy (whether in China or elsewhere) will have his nose ahead.


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